Version History

New versions of Jitendex are published weekly with the latest data from the JMdict and Tatoeba projects. The version number of Jitendex does not necessarily change every week; it is only increased when the design or functionality of the dictionary is also updated.

Version 4.8 (2024-07-12)

  • Yomitan format
    • Add preliminary support for installing updates from within Yomitan (Yomitan #1174)
  • Mdict format
    • Fix broken pronunciation button styling (issue #100)

Version 4.7 (2024-04-21)

  • Yomitan format
    • Fix display issue with circular icons in forms tables (issue #61)
    • Use new yomitan definition format for redirections (issue #78)
    • Remove "gikun form" definition tag from kana-only headwords (issue #88)
    • Rename "gikun form" definition tag to "special reading" (issue #89)

Version 4.6 (2024-03-24)

  • All formats
    • Add background color to "extra info" boxes (issue #86)

Version 4.5 (2024-03-17)

  • All formats
    • Unify appearance of Yomitan and Mdict formats (issue #70)
    • Improve presentation of trademarked glosses (issue #84)
    • Various minor adjustments to font sizes, font styles, and margin sizes

Version 4.4 (2024-03-04)

  • All formats
    • Hide the "usually kana" tag if all kanji forms are hidden (issue #57)
    • Generate fresh JmdictFurigana JSON for each new release of Jitendex (issue #68)
    • Adjust display of Tatoeba example sentence footnotes (issue #80)
  • Yomitan format
    • Replace hyphens in Yomitan tags with non-breaking spaces (issue #82)

Version 4.3 (2024-01-28)

  • All formats
    • Use red emphasis dots instead of a red font color to highlight keywords in example sentences (issue #66)
  • Yomitan format
    • Slightly increase some font and margin sizes (issue #64)
  • Mdict format
    • Increase the size of pitch accent symbols (issue #69)
    • Adjust style of circle icons in forms tables to use solid colors

Version 4.2 (2024-01-22)

  • All formats
    • Use a red font color instead of a red wavy line to highlight keywords in example sentences (issue #52)
  • Yomitan format
    • Adjust the display of example sentences and references (discussion #60)
    • Hide bullets in glossaries with only one gloss (issue #63)

Version 4.1 (2024-01-14)

  • All formats
    • Minor style adjustments
  • Yomitan format
    • Slightly increase the size of the rectangular tag icons (from 70% to 80% of the normal font size)

Version 4.0 (2024-01-06)

  • All formats
    • Include links to the source JMdict and Tatoeba database entries within each corresponding Jitendex entry (issue #34)
    • Update form table symbols to use a (古) character for obsolete readings and a (旧) character for old character (kyūjitai) forms (issue #35)
    • Fix a bug in which Japanese example sentences with space characters were displayed incorrectly (issue #43)
    • Replace the curly brace markers around gikun (jukujikun) forms with double angle braces
  • Yomitan format
    • Replace all embedded SVG icon/tag images with plain HTML+CSS markup (issue #29)
    • Use a red wavy line to highlight keywords within example sentences (issue #29)
    • Replace the star emoji ⭐ used in definition tags with a less conspicuous ★ character (issue #36)
    • Other small style adjustments

Version 3.2 (2023-12-28)

  • All formats
    • Use embedded images to display obscure characters that are unsupported by most Japanese fonts (issue #31)
    • Fix a bug in which cross reference information was not displayed correctly in about a dozen entries (issue #33)

Version 3.1 (2023-12-12)

  • Yomitan (formerly "Yomichan")
    • Add a small amount of vertical padding between extra information items (example sentences, cross references, etc.)
    • Fix a visual glitch in which the corners of the rectangular images were not being rounded correctly

Version 3.0 (2023-11-16)

  • MDict Format
    • Add ~9,160 pronunciation audio files distributed across ~8,230 separate entries
    • Include pitch accent information for ~7,720 of the pronunciations
    • Align furigana in headwords with their respective kanji
  • All formats
    • Rewrite and expand the text displayed in all part-of-speech tags, miscellaneous tags, etc. (issue #11)
    • Align furigana in cross-referenced expressions with their respective kanji

Version 2.0 (2023-11-09)

  • All formats
    • Add furigana to approximately 22,000 of the 26,000 unique example sentences.
  • Yomichan
    • Increase font size of Japanese text in example sentences and cross references.
  • MDict
    • Change color of the keyword underline in example sentences from black to red.

Version 1.6 (2023-11-04)

Add color to the square braces surrounding sense restrictions. See the entry for ばね【発条】, for example.

Version 1.5 (2023-10-29)

  • All Formats
    • Change the symbol for valid kanji/reading forms to use the kanji 可 rather than 有.
    • Change the symbol for old kanji/reading forms to use the kanji 旧 rather than 古.

Version 1.4 (2023-10-21)

  • Yomichan
    • Fix a bug in which the text within monochrome SVG images was not converted into path data

Version 1.3 (2023-10-16)

  • Yomichan
    • Slightly increase the size of fonts in rectangular SVG images (again)
    • Add `data-sc-content` attributes to some glossary elements to allow for style customizations. Note that these attributes are volatile and may change in future versions.

Version 1.2 (2023-10-14)

  • Yomichan
    • Decrease size and increase weight of fonts in rectangular SVG images
    • Convert SVG text elements into paths to ensure text is always displayed the same regardless of browser or OS
    • Decrease font weight of text in table header cells
  • All Formats
    • For entries that contain only one sense, display the glossary as a block (i.e. underneath the part-of-speech tags) instead of inline (on the same line as the part-of-speech tags)

Version 1.1 (2023-10-12)

Adjust shape, size, and font of rectangular images in the Yomichan version

Version 1.0 (2023-10-09)

Japanese-English versions for Yomichan and MDict formats